
Showing posts from August, 2022

A 10-day blog for days 18-27 in Yalata Country or from 18-27.08.2022

1. Weekly blogging  I have changed my daily blogging to weekly now that I have picked up on writing my thesis. I prefer to spend more of my free time on this so I can submit my thesis on time and graduate. I also have been taking less photos as I have been already to all the corners of the community. I will watch my forest take off and by then I will have lots to admire and boast. For now, I will update my blog on a weekly basis.  2. My grounding  This week I have been listening to Apostole Leroy Thompson, everyday except one day I missed out due to sleeping in. The take home themes include: what I am on the inside, fruitfulness, what I wear, reaching higher, living, secrets, and food. Now that I am reflecting on all these themes, I can clearly see that all of them kind of link to one thing, grounded life. And fit neatly as a puzzle. I learnt that to be a person of service is not a spiritual rocket science. It is about living the truth which is having a heart that has no ill towards an

Day 15: 17.8.22 Permission

 Where there is a will there is a way 1. Day at the school Today was an awesome day. I spent the rest of the morning at the school. Watching the medical students interact with the children and have so much fun. The health promotion theme was Kidney health. And the bring home message was to drink water, chose water from other soft and sugar drinks. The message was disseminated in ways which were easy, interactive and fun for the children to participate and understand. There were canvas paintings with the key message. And vocabulary translated in the local P itjinjara dialect. There was a play at the assembly. Myself and the social worker from the RFDS were also introduced. I thanked the school for their openness to work together with me on health promotion. 2. Helen  There are seven highlands provinces in PNG, namely, Eastern, Western, Southern, Jiwaka, Simbu, Enga and Hela provinces. The highlands region is the largest, overly populated region from the other three regions of the countr

Day 14: 16.8.22 Day of Promise

Onto the promise 1. Multiple openings  I managed to meet so many more people in the community, offices, school and shop. I did many tours with the community too. I feel so accomplished. So empowered. I am nearing the promise. My own promise and the universal promise. To make wise use of my time to do something worthwhile.  2. Friends  I chat with Daniel daily as he shares all of his Bali highlights. And this has been very healthy for my settling here too. Thank you Daniel. I had two video calls today with 2 friends which really helped me. I promised not to feel sad, lonely, or miss my children. So I try to stay on the upward way. 3. Sunset  Another glorious sunset again today. I always try to catch it as much as I can before it disappears. Every time its different.  4. Photo gallery of day 14 (with permission)  16.8.22: Sorry Camp 16.8.22 Sorry Camp 16.8.22 Sorry Camp 16.8.22 today's sunset selfie

Day 13: 15.8.22 Doing things for others in secret

 Serve secretly and get rewarded in public 1. The woman with bleeding issues  Listening to Joel Osteen this morning reminded me of the woman with a bleeding issue in the 8th Chapter of Luke's gospel in the new testament of the bible. This woman has had a bleeding issue for 12 years. At the time many people were getting healed when Jesus was doing his ministry. And she had heard of the testimonials. She told herself that she would only go and touch the cloak of Jesus as the huge crowds that followed Jesus made it difficult for her to touch him let alone speak to him about her issue. She must said it multiple times to herself that she would only touch the cloak. She had such faith that she would be healed. She did. She touched Jesus's cloak and got healed instantly. The power flowed through the cloak because of her faith. Jesus felt it and turned around and stopped the crowd. She knew it it because she received the healing there and then. The mystery is that no one else knew how

Day 12: 14.8.22 Beautiful Day

First real connecting 1. Wayne, Audrey and Catherine  I woke up very late at 8;30am this morning. Had my usual coffee and meditation and hurried to church at 10:30am. I was suddenly surprised to come to the spot where three beautiful elders were sitting. I went towards them and they opened up and greeted me. I returned their greeting and shook hands. I introduced myself. They told me they were Wayne, Audrey and Catherine. I sat down and started our conversation. Church was on today with Pastor Lindsay. They asked where I was from. But I got lost wondering. Why was he Wayne? My friend I lost dearly and was still missing him each day. Now I meet this person by the same name. What a coincidence. I refused to cry and continued our conversation.  We were soon joined by Roselyn. She was open and asked me many questions. She admired my PNG bilum. We connected so fast. She took me into the church kitchen. The kitchen had some utensils and I tried to boil the en but there was no tea or coffee.

Day 11: 13.8.22 Too big to let go

 Do decree and take risk 1. David and Goliath  This morning I got up late at 6:30am. That is because today was weekend and I slept late last night as well. Otherwise my usual day starts at 4:30am latest. I made my jar of coffee as usual and sat up and relaxed in bed to skim through who would inspire me today. I opened to Dr Bill Winston's regular podcasts where he spoke of decreeing things that we would see happen. I remembered David and Goliath's story in the old testament of the Bible in 1st Samuel chapter 17 of the old testament. David was only a youth, sheep keeper. He volunteered to King Saul to confront Goliath and the Philistines. David's older brothers and father were terrified and ashamed even. That such a youth feeble sheep keeper put his hand up to fight an impossible fight. David insisted and went into the heart of battle. David refused the weapons that Saul offered him, in fact David tried on the armor, shield, sword and helmet and removed them, saying he was

Day 10: Friday 13.8.22 Gum Tree Day

Gum Tree Planting Day 1. Seven times Seven  This morning I was listening to Joel Osteen again. He spoke on this topic of shift. I remembered what I had read in the 6th Chapter of Joshua in the old testament of the bible. The City of Jericho was the last of the obstacles that the Israelites had to conquer before entering their promised land. To conquer this last of their battle obstacles, the people had to march around the walls of the city seven times. For the first six times, they had to march around the city walls with out saying a word or noise. On the seventh day, they had to march around six times with out saying a word or noise. On the seventh time, they had to march around with shout of victory. The walls came crushing down. They seized the city, destroyed all things, took gold and silver and built their own city.  How so true, in life we had to say the right things we desire at the right time and we have them. Most times a shift in our thinking, perceptions, attitude, outlook.