Day 15: 17.8.22 Permission

 Where there is a will there is a way

1. Day at the school

Today was an awesome day. I spent the rest of the morning at the school. Watching the medical students interact with the children and have so much fun. The health promotion theme was Kidney health. And the bring home message was to drink water, chose water from other soft and sugar drinks. The message was disseminated in ways which were easy, interactive and fun for the children to participate and understand. There were canvas paintings with the key message. And vocabulary translated in the local Pitjinjara dialect. There was a play at the assembly. Myself and the social worker from the RFDS were also introduced. I thanked the school for their openness to work together with me on health promotion.

2. Helen 

There are seven highlands provinces in PNG, namely, Eastern, Western, Southern, Jiwaka, Simbu, Enga and Hela provinces. The highlands region is the largest, overly populated region from the other three regions of the country which include the Southern, Momase and New Guinea Islands regions. The highlands people are known for their hospitality, no nonsense attitude to hard work, resilience and connection with their natural environment. Not only that. The highlands is rich in color, culture and tradition. Land, pigs and dowry are the essence of what it means to be a highlands social fabric. 

Helen is from the Western Highlands while I come from Hela province. In the highlands hospitality norm, we do not have strangers. All highlanders or all Papua New Guineans are the one people, one blood. We open our lives, our stories, experiences, laughter, tears, wealth and food with love and grace. I had met Helen only once in person in Adelaide. We connected through social media many years ago and keep chatting regularly. We share life, love, words of affirmation. We embrace each other. We simply enjoy life. 

The Western Highlanders are especially admirable in their own right among the rest of the highlands region and even the rest of PNG. They portray accountability in business and personal life. They believe in wantokinsim, like the rest of PNG, which is being there for others and depending on each other for wants and needs. But Western Highlanders show the rest of PNG that there is a clear line drawn between being accountable to the vision of small scale to large scale business and the obligations of wantokinsim. They strive to prosper and bring their business ideas to success. Their land is full of rich fertile soil, partly due to accumulation of sediments of the Great Waghi River. But they have the right mindset to do business. And all of PNGuineans respect this about them.

But I find Helen to be intriguingly different. She carries a quite confidence about her. She is a secret achiever in a powerful way. She selects her words thoughtfully. She seems to strive to be pure and unique. In her professional, personal and social life. She loves her own company. But she chooses her friendships with care and wisdom. And is genuinely faithful and committed to them. To me she is a woman of wisdom and great humility. She inspires me at many levels.

Today she was passing through my neighborhood. I got a prompt on my social media of her location and quickly checked in with her. Yes she was nearby. I sought for permission for her to see me. It was made possible at the 11th hour. And yes we spent some quality time together, sharing, laughing, talking and eating. We took some photos together and she began her adventure again. 

3. Rain 

As soon as she left, the heavens opened its doors and rain poured in abundance. I was going to water my recently planted rose gum and red cap gums which were looking a bit sad. But I didnt have to, the rain did. When I embraced every drop, I began to ponder on a famous saying, 'where there is a will, there is a way'. This can mean many different things for different people. For me, I take it as another indication that I had a will and the way was coming clearly forth. Earlier in the day, I was feeling a bit low emotional, missing my kids, missing my friends, etc. And here came Helen. And the beautiful day at the school. And now the rain. I felt at peace and refreshed once again. But more stronger and positive. There certainly is a way when the will is right. 

4. Good Day

Today was a funeral day for an elder. And the rain continued through to past midday. I stayed home and did some stuff, had some meetings, had a nap, did my usual sunset chasing walk and made dinner. I would say a fulfilled day. 

5. Photo gallery of day 15

17.8.22 School Garden

17,822 School Garden

17.8.22 School Garden

18.8.22 Our selfie while she on her way
18.8.22 My Hagen bilum gift from Helen
