It has to do with thinking and not DNA

 'As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he', Proverbs 23:7

I read and re-read, Dr Bruce Lipton's latest book; The Biology of Belief', at least 3 times in a couple of months. The scientific discovery of such groundbreaking evidence of the mind influencing the DNA and the genetics is a whole new dimension of evidence from what we traditionally know about our biology. 

traditionally, we are taught from our science labs to our biology lecture halls that our genes and DNA determine everything about us. That they are the building blocks of our ultimate being. However, this fascinating book showcases in a very humorous, fun, highly intellectual and stimulating discovery that syncs with the writing of King Solomon in the Proverb which says, what we think is consumed in our heart to make us our being. 

Dr Lipton himself is a biologist turned into a Spiritual teacher I guess from being transformed through this work. I am fascinated by the fact that all along throughout the human race, had we given thought to something that is so near yet so far, we would all probably be turned immortal had we known. We know we have the disciplines of psychiatry and psychology. We don't learn about thinking in a particular sense in these fields, do we?

I tried to practice putting my thoughts to rest so I can cleanse my body and cells anew. I can reconnect with what I had lost, an alignment of a thought absent body. Thinking is I believe our biggest hinderance to good, vibrant health and wellbeing, physically, spiritually and socially. Putting thought to rest would be my biggest desire and achievement if I did because only then my cells can renew, regenerate, rejuvenate and regrow. 

Please read the best book you will ever find on the shelf today!

Straight 5 stars on Google because it not only changed my perspective, but it is well researched on solid work and well written.
