Day 11: 13.8.22 Too big to let go

 Do decree and take risk

1. David and Goliath 

This morning I got up late at 6:30am. That is because today was weekend and I slept late last night as well. Otherwise my usual day starts at 4:30am latest. I made my jar of coffee as usual and sat up and relaxed in bed to skim through who would inspire me today. I opened to Dr Bill Winston's regular podcasts where he spoke of decreeing things that we would see happen. I remembered David and Goliath's story in the old testament of the Bible in 1st Samuel chapter 17 of the old testament. David was only a youth, sheep keeper. He volunteered to King Saul to confront Goliath and the Philistines. David's older brothers and father were terrified and ashamed even. That such a youth feeble sheep keeper put his hand up to fight an impossible fight. David insisted and went into the heart of battle. David refused the weapons that Saul offered him, in fact David tried on the armor, shield, sword and helmet and removed them, saying he was not used to wearing armor. 

David went down the nearby brook and took five pebbles which he carried in his little bag. He had his sling. And hurried into the heart of the battle field to face Goliath and the Philistines. When Goliath who was armed and ready for battle with all of Philistine armed and marching behind him saw David, he yelled and told him that this was an insult. That David a youth was coming to fight him with sticks as if he was a dog. David raised his voice and told Goliath five things; first, that his God would deliver Goliath and the Philistines to his hands, second that he would strike Goliath down, third he would cut off his throat, forth, he would give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, fifth the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. Before Goliath responded, David took out the first pebble from his bag, set up his sling and shot Goliath. The stone landed like a bullet into his head and penetrated through the brain. Goliath fell to the ground and died instantly. All the Philistines marching behind fled for their lives. David cut off Goliath's head and took it Saul the King as evidence of victory. And we know now that the five things David decreed came to pass. David had so much faith in his word and the awareness of God with him. That he saw it was too big an opportunity to let go of killing Goliath with the pebble and the sling.

2. Greening 

My greening project is slowly coming along. The front right and left yards are done. I have succulents on the right side and pig face on the left. I tried planting one of my gum trees in the front yard. I could not because the earth was rocky underneath. It has now rained for 11 days consecutively since I started off. On some days there was more rain and on others days less rain. But any rain has been very welcome. All my plants are on a whole doing well. 

3. Cooking 

Today I just relaxed, did bit of reading (Elon Musk), journal entry, and connecting with my plants. I made a vegetable soup which was very delicious and full of flavor. And I also made roast pumpkin loaded with flavor. 

4. Sunset 

Once again I chased the sunset on my usual strolls. Always very humbling to be here to enjoy and embrace the huge wide sky, the sun setting in the horizon and the glory of it all. 

6. Photo gallery for day 11

13.8.22: Indoor plants are refreshing in the rain

13.8.22: Recently potted succulents are also refreshing in the rain

13.8.22: They are also refreshing in the rain

13.8.22: One of my selfies with the sunset 

13.8.22: Glorious sunset always humbling to watch

13.8.22: And the cook up
