Day 13: 15.8.22 Doing things for others in secret

 Serve secretly and get rewarded in public

1. The woman with bleeding issues 

Listening to Joel Osteen this morning reminded me of the woman with a bleeding issue in the 8th Chapter of Luke's gospel in the new testament of the bible. This woman has had a bleeding issue for 12 years. At the time many people were getting healed when Jesus was doing his ministry. And she had heard of the testimonials. She told herself that she would only go and touch the cloak of Jesus as the huge crowds that followed Jesus made it difficult for her to touch him let alone speak to him about her issue. She must said it multiple times to herself that she would only touch the cloak. She had such faith that she would be healed. She did. She touched Jesus's cloak and got healed instantly. The power flowed through the cloak because of her faith. Jesus felt it and turned around and stopped the crowd. She knew it it because she received the healing there and then. The mystery is that no one else knew how often she repeated her faith. She was received reward for her diligent faith. I sometimes am inclined to complain about giving away too much of my time, energy, resources, to others without getting much back. But I am encouraged by this story that good does not return empty. Good done in secret always come back with reward in public.

2. My entry into this community 

This week I decided to reflect on my learnings from the previous week. I reflected on the people I had met, the church, the staff, and children. I have been to different parts of the community as well like the shop, church, offices and some houses too. So felt like I can say I have entered the community half way. So I decided to draw a social mapping of the community. For use later. 

15.8.22: My social mapping of the Yalata Community 

3. My children 

I missed my boys a little more on my walk into the sunset after work. I was talking with them over the phone while walking when suddenly I was met by a group of young ones coming towards me. There were more than 10 of them. As I approached closer to them, they all stopped and repeated me with greeting. Two of them shook my hands and asked where I was from. They were from WA and were here for the sorry camp. They were coming back from a walk as well. Lovely young ones. I left them and kept walking after the sunset. 

4. Sunset

Was another gorgeous going down of the sun. Was mesmerized by the beauty so took a few photos. Came back home and had a big dinner and went to bed early. But had insomnia so decided to watch a movie called 'Wakabout' on ABC IView. It was really dramatic. 

5. Photo gallery of day 13
15.8.22: Beauty in its own way
15.8.22: Always a glorious sight
15.8.22: I never miss out on a selfie with the sunset, each time its different
