Day 10: Friday 13.8.22 Gum Tree Day

Gum Tree Planting Day

1. Seven times Seven 

This morning I was listening to Joel Osteen again. He spoke on this topic of shift. I remembered what I had read in the 6th Chapter of Joshua in the old testament of the bible. The City of Jericho was the last of the obstacles that the Israelites had to conquer before entering their promised land. To conquer this last of their battle obstacles, the people had to march around the walls of the city seven times. For the first six times, they had to march around the city walls with out saying a word or noise. On the seventh day, they had to march around six times with out saying a word or noise. On the seventh time, they had to march around with shout of victory. The walls came crushing down. They seized the city, destroyed all things, took gold and silver and built their own city. 

How so true, in life we had to say the right things we desire at the right time and we have them. Most times a shift in our thinking, perceptions, attitude, outlook. 

2. Gain and pain day 

The A class human being I had met only 2 days ago had to leave today. Oh Mary-Anne, how I so admire you. You have the best job in the world. Your energy full of life has brought life and love into my own life the last few days which seem like forever. I will miss you but I look forward to us meeting again soon. And dreaming and working together to give out what we can offer to our world. Here is me and KS taking a selfie with Mary-Anne as she is about to head off on her way.

12.8.22, 2pm: Selfie with MA & KS as MA is about to head off 

I had met another amazing person the other day. Jaleen is so amazing. Her character, fun, intelligence just lifts you up. She is so fun to be around. She has so much insight about culture, society, family, nature, history. I could just sit and listen to her day in day out. I could write so many books! I dont think she minds me sharing our selfie on my blog. She admired PNG bilums so she got the one I had brought. 
12.8.22, 1pm selfie with Jaleen
3. The sunset

I went on my usual stroll, this time to the western end of the community. I purposely was on a hunting trip for gum trees to make up for my failed trip the other day. A small corolla drove pass me and the people inside waved back when I waved at them. This gum tree hunting trip was a very successful one. I met so many of them on the scrubs and the main road side. I collected six of them. That was enough to fill my hunting plastic. I hurried back to start my planting. But the sunset was too glorious not to embrace for a while. I took a selfie with it. I cried, this was beautiful beyond any imagination. 

12.8.22, 6pm selfie with the sunset
I rushed back and began my digging to plant my treasures. The earth all around was very rocky and I could not dig any deeper. As usual, I asked each one of them to live with me. To take ground here. To flourish. To expand. To dominate. To nourish. To give grace. To give life. To be timeless. I was on my way into planting the first one, when a foot ball came flying into the yard and landed right where I was. I said helo and threw the ball back over the fence. Moments later it came flying back inside, the same spot. I was disturbed and scared. Was there an intention to this.. I got the ball, went out the gate, opened the gate and told the boy who stood not to kick the ball into my yard again. And that he should go home as it was getting dark out here. He agreed and disappeared into the fading sun going down. I planted my treasures, six of them and decided to give them their names. 

4. The coincidence of six gums

How so lucky. I had collected one Rose Gum and five Red Caps gums. Why six? I pondered as I write this entry. I wanted to give names to them. My maternal grandfather Ilu was a chief in my village Pakura. He had married four wives. The first wife had two daughters. The second wife, my grandmother had three children, my mum and her two older siblings. Unfortunately, my uncle had passed away from a bad Malaria when he was on his honey moon which happened to be the day I was born. Then the third wife also had two daughters. My last grand mother was barren. This means I have six mothers. 

12.8.22, 7pm.. My harvest from the hunting trip. 6 of them ready to start new life

5. Names after six mothers 
How so fitting the number six. I had collected six gum trees. One was a Rose Gum and the five Red Cap Gums. I decided to call each one after my six mothers. And celebrate the dominant character and value of each of my six mothers.

1. Rose Gum Porawi Manda Wane
She is the queen of them. She is named after my own mother. My mother was given this nick name Manda Wane by her people. Manda Wane means the daughter of many that had passed on. She lost her older sister, older brother, her father, her mother, her two cousins. Her son is in jail for life. She had separated from my father when we were only small. This woman however show a character like none other. Her resilience, love, faith, strength, resourcefulness, fire power, selflessness, and kindness hold her family and people together. She inspires me. She inspires her people. She is a A Class Super Star. She is my queen and heroin. May she be an architect of all generations that follow. Long live Rose Gum Manda Wane, queen of them all!

2. Red Cap Perapu 
This Red Cap is named after my mother's older sister Perapu. She gave birth to five sons and was honored by her tribe as boys are a preferred sex in this culture. She was a woman of great humility and gentleness. She carried herself with such a presence that attracted friendship and giving. She surrounded herself with positive people. She watched her words. She was just a really good nurturing and loving person. I was devastated when she passed on from typhoid in 2012. I will forever try my best to carry your legacy of humility in all things.

3. Red Cap Gum Hilimi 
My aunt Hilimi is the older daughter of my first grand mother. She was a kindred spirit. She also had eight children. And was always a quite and observant one. She passed on only in 2021. She admired me and was proud of me. She was simple and embraced everything with a spirit of simplicity. May simplicity be the spirit of humanity.

4. Red Cap Gum Lupame
Her people call her Lusmeri which means a fun way of saying someone who takes defeat with grace. This aunt is the younger sister of Hilimi. She has 3 children and many grandchildren. She was smart and forward thinking. She was attractive and had a fire power. She had many lovers. She is loud, straight shooter and intelligent. Long live fire power. 

5. Red Cap Gum Rerei 
My aunt Rerei is the older daughter of my 3rd grandmother. Rerei has a resilient spirit beyond human imagination. She has many children and grandchildren. She also has a quite spirit and does not complain. She is a delightful person to be around. Long live resilience in all manner of tribulations. 

6. Red Cap Gum Payeapi
My aunt Peyeapi is the younger sister of Rerei. She has only one daughter and many grandchildren. She is innovative. She designs and makes all sorts of things using local resources. She traveled. She dated. She is tall and beautiful. Long live innovation!

7. In closing 

Finding the gum trees, realizing that I had one Rose Gum and five red cap gums and giving them names in celebration of my six amazing mothers and celebrating just one of their many unique characters was the most rewarding and soul searching experience of entering this journal. I hope someone reading this can get some inspiration too. 


I love all trees but gum trees touch me at a higher level. In my next blog I will write about gum trees.
