Day 12: 14.8.22 Beautiful Day

First real connecting

1. Wayne, Audrey and Catherine 

I woke up very late at 8;30am this morning. Had my usual coffee and meditation and hurried to church at 10:30am. I was suddenly surprised to come to the spot where three beautiful elders were sitting. I went towards them and they opened up and greeted me. I returned their greeting and shook hands. I introduced myself. They told me they were Wayne, Audrey and Catherine. I sat down and started our conversation. Church was on today with Pastor Lindsay. They asked where I was from. But I got lost wondering. Why was he Wayne? My friend I lost dearly and was still missing him each day. Now I meet this person by the same name. What a coincidence. I refused to cry and continued our conversation. 

We were soon joined by Roselyn. She was open and asked me many questions. She admired my PNG bilum. We connected so fast. She took me into the church kitchen. The kitchen had some utensils and I tried to boil the en but there was no tea or coffee. So Roselyn showed me photos from 3 big church albums that were in the other room. Her late husband was a Pastor here. And she was now a widow. We sorted the chairs ready for service. Then the church bell rang and everyone flooded in. The service took 2 hours. The songs were beautiful. 

2. Inspired so much 

I was very moved and inspired to see young people and young children come into the church and share communion. I have never seen anything like this in any church I went to in Australia where young people showed so much respect for church. And participated in communion and service. I only prayed that this young people will find some purpose and fulfilling things to do in their church and their community. I want to help them find it. 

3. Yarning 

After the service was over, I asked for permission if I could take a group photo so I could send it to my church for prayers. And they all agreed so we stood infront of the church and took a group photo. Then Melly, who is the partner of Pastor Lindsay and Roselyn stayed back and we enjoyed chatting. Having fellowship and sharing friendship is yarning in the Pitjantjara language. They told the main issues in the community. And their aspirations to do something. They wanted to moblise the women and get into cooking, cleaning, gardening, sewing. I sat and listened and told them stories of my own church back in PNG and what women do. They got inspired and asked questions. I thought this could be an opening to talk more. About health promotion and social determinants of health. After all, I am here to work with this community to empower, build their capacity and inspire them to do little things to improve their lives. 

4. More gardening 

After yarning, I left Roselyn at her house and came home. Had left overs for lunch and got straight into my gardening tools. I potted all my left over cuttings from Adelaide. I did 3 nurseries with my silver beets, parsley and basil. I clearly new blog at the left anterior of the house and planted pumpkins and silver beets. I watered them, blessed them and asked them to live with me as usual. 

5. Call from Pastor Malcolm Willocks 

Rob Willocks is a lovely faithful Christian member of the Brighton COC. He had introduced me to his son Malcolm who worked in this community some 9 years ago as a Reverend. And Malcolm and I connected through email. He called me to ask how things were and I appreciated it so much. That he told me some secrets of connecting and being faithful with the Christians. That was kind of him.

6.  Photo gallery for day 12  (with permission)

14.8.22: Selfie with Roselyn after church

14.8.22: Selfie with Aunt Rita after church
13.8.22: Church photo after church with permission
14.8.22 Pumpkin here

14.8.22 Parsley, silver beets and basil

14.8.22 Pumpkin and silver beets, work in progress

14.8.22 from little things big grow

14.8.22 From little things big things grow

14.8.22 From little things big things grow
