Journal entry from 28.8.22-3rd September 2022

 Engagements, Empowering, Entering

1. Enlightenment 

This week in my daily meditations,  I have been listening to Apostle Leroy Thompson. This televangelist is a dynamite! He is a dynamic, charismatic preacher, teacher, apostle, inspiration and mentor. I have been and (am) getting so much inspiration, strength, insight, guidance from his teachings this week. The central teaching is having faith in the Word of God. And speak the word to manifest and transformation in my life. In all sectors. Mental health, children, family, physical health, wealth, success, integrity. And when I walk in this sort of space, the light shines in the darkness. That is to say, the faults of humanity become brought to light. In others lives and also in my own. That is just one level of Enlightenment. 

2. Ernabella Dancing 

The children were show casing their dance for the Ernabella Competition on Friday. I headed down to the school and watched the children perfectly synced and tuned with the music in their performance. Most of the community was there. It was spectacular. By the way, in the car on our way to Fowler's Bay, I played some PNG music and showed the ladies how we dance. And they were captivated. So the women got so excited and told me to teach them and the young girls my dance. That will be fun! Let us see what it will bring! I must try this request!

3. Making Bush Medicine 

Last week in my journal I mentioned that I went out with the mobs to Fowler's Bay and collected Bush Tucker on the way. Well we arrived late home that night and so could not make our bush medicine. On Friday this week, I was busy in the clinic doing some work and received a phone call. It was my dear friend Roslyn. She said I had to come down to the school so we could paint and make Bush Medicine. I left what I was doing and hurried down to the school. 

The energy was just positive and life. Happy, innocent children playing with balls on the field, teachers happily connecting with children, the community gathered and embracing their children, the teachers and their school. I synced into this vibe instantly. Roslyn allocated responsibilities. She painted with the children while I made Bush Medicine with Maureen. I quickly collected firewood and and increased the fire that was already in amber. Maureen taught us how the Bush Making was done. Children and teachers showed keen interest as I was. I had taken small containers, a saucepan, and several serving cutlery from my place. It didnt take long. I took two small containers and left to go to the office and collect my car from NC. 

4. Out of the cage 

Friday after lunch I collected the Kia from NC's house. It was my first time to drive the button system, omg! I needed some time to get used to. I collected SR and we drove to the Road House, which is at the Yalata Caravan Park. NC escorted us there. We contributed and refilled diesel. Next morning was Saturday. I got up nice and early and prepared for what seemed like a freedom journey. I have been here in this small community with out going out to a civilized town for the last 5 weeks! Today was the day I was going out! It felt like a bird flying out into the blue sky, stellar space, into freedom!

SR drove us to and I drove us back. We stopped at Nundroo and Penong just to soak in the beauty and nature. We arrived Ceduna around 11am. We wondered around the streets. We dropped by at the Tourist Centre and got information about things to see and places to go. We first went to Thevanard. Then drove to Smoky Bay. It was a gorgeous Bay. We adventured and took photos. We met a tourist from Tasmania at the Jetty and asked him to take us a photo. There was the squad farm. The water was plain clear and divine. 

It was 1pm when we headed back to Ceduna. We left shopping for last. We bought fish and chips for lunch and headed to Pinky Bay. We had our lunch by the sea. And did our shopping and headed back home feeling content and happy. It was a great day out and also a day of spending lol! I bought a few souvenirs as well. And we both gave some extra coins to a few people at Ceduna as well.

Photo gallery and videos of Bush Medicine Making

Photo gallery of painting of the banner for Ernabella Dance

Photo Gallery of day trip to Ceduna, Pinky Point and Smoky Bay
3.9.22 The water was crystal clear- wonder!

3.9.22 Smoky Bay Jetty

03.09.22..Finishing of a great day this treat at Pinky Point, Ceduna, SA

In conclusion 
This week was fulfillment, freedom, empowerment, enlightenment, entering into this community in a meaningful way.
