Journal entry from 15.9-22.9.22

 Such is life so what 

1. A night at Big 4

Wednesday the 14.9.22 was the day I left Yalata. My friend Sissy was also leaving so we planned to leave together. We waited for NC to drop us at Ceduna. We left Yalata at 5pm and arrived Ceduna at 7pm. We had booked a 2 bedroom self contained bunger at the Big 4 Caravan Park. The night sky was still and calm. NC dropped us and drove back to Yalata. We checked in. Put our bags away. And headed down to the Foreshore for a good feed. Interestingly, the Que was as long as it extended to the outside. We could not be bothered. So we headed back to the Fish and Chips shop and got a good feed there and went home to a good rest.

We got a lift the next morning to the airport nice and early. Our flight left Ceduna at 9am and arrived in Adelaide at 11:30am. My friend Greg picked me up and dropped me at my place. Both boys were home. And asleep. I went to Marion and did a few shopping. 

2. Mount Gambier 

I called my friend Kaine and purchased bus tickets for 3 of us return from Adelaide to mount Gambier as I had an important appointment there. I paid for the uber and headed to the bus station nice and early. And started our journey. I sat next to Debbie and we became great friends. We shared the whole way. My appointment did not go well. I spent so much money. Had no way to return home so paid for a room at the Federal Hotel. We caught the bus back to Adelaide the next morning.

3. Kapono Falls 

Kapono Falls hall ran dry by 50 percent in 6 weeks. I have no idea. The garden was still beautiful. The leaves as green. Some flowers. The smell of rain and freshness. The dew on the ground. All is living. Oh well Kapono will fill up to the brim and over flow. When I am here. And all is greatness. I will tell you the full details in the epilogue. 

4. Battery 

The battery is one only. It had gone flat. Only for a short time. It needs a break so all good. All is well. I will tell you full details in the epilogue.

5. Air 

You know how climbing makes you run out of air sometimes, when you are not fit? Oh well, I have not climbed any mountains lately so I can not say much of an experience. I was watching this beautiful bird sitting on a branch of my favorite tree by the waters of  Sturt one day. And watching how freely it flew from one branch to the other. And could feel the air through my lungs and alveolars. How so free. This bit has a deeper meaning. You wont understand, at least yet.

6. 12 months  

We birth, death and marry in time and space. There is also timelessness. Some say that is the present moment. The calendar we use, Gregorian, has 12 months. Oh well from this time forth, I hate 12 months. You wont understand this statement. It is ok, you dont have to. 

7. Party at Balakalava

The 47th PNG independence celebrations was at Balakalava for which I went with Greg and we had so much fun. And food and people energy.

8. Photo gallery

Breakfast on the 20.9.22
Cake at the party

Break at Keith on our way to My Gambier
The Blue Lake
Independence dressing from previous years
Blue Lake
The Federal Hotel
Blue Lake
At the party
