The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy

 The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy

The Soil, the seed and the sower 

I first laid hands on the ‘Power of Your Subconscious Mind’ seven years ago at QBD Bookstores in Marion. It took me a whole day to read the twenty chapters for the first time then. I since tugged the book away. This year, when I started updating my iPhone kindle and syncing some of my books from my laptop, this book was recommended to me. I downloaded a cheaper kindle version and read it again for the second time. 

Not surprisingly, I find new treasures every time I flip the pages. I have read most of Dr Murphy’s other books on similar topics and find him easy to read. He has a way with words. He makes the most profound insights simple and friendly to the reader, any reader. So I got wired into this book as if I was reading it for the first time. 

Dr Murphy outlines a road map for every person at every level and path of this walk of life in the simplest way possible. In the twenty very provoking, inspiring, enlightening and adventurous chapters, there is a take away message. A yard stick for renewal of the mind, body, soul and spirit. A way of looking at life itself from a different dimension. An experience of enlightenment.  At least I feel this way. The take away message for me has been the soil, the seed and the sower. 

Science, philosophy and the great ancient spiritual teachings show us the way to the two forms of our mind. The conscious, which is the external, objective mind and the subconscious which is the internal, subjective mind. As it is in everything that is life, all comes in duo. For example, day and night, life and death, good and bad, male and female, start and finish, sleep and wake, cause and effect and etc. What captures me and holds me there is the infinite work of our subconscious mind. I have learnt again and again through this book that, our lives are more than our self. Bigger than our day to day experiences. The sacredness of the infinite intelligence that creates and recreates, heals, mends, repairs, nourishes and holds us together as a unique person of our own. Is our subconscious mind. Yet it is very neutral, pure and blemish-less. It only produces what it hears and receives from our loud, conscious mind. 

Our subconscious is like the soil that we tilt to plant. We then plant a seed of our choice. We walk away and it grows until it brings out the exact fruit of the seed kind. If we are sending or sowing negative thoughts, forgiveness, hatred, fear, stress and anxiety, we harvest these in our everyday lives. These can manifest through physical symptoms. And that is because our fight and flight response system of our nervous system suddenly realizes that we need to be anchored. So we can see how our thoughts and our body work in sync. 

However, if we send messages and thoughts of love, peace, goodwill, forgiveness, optimism and gratitude, then our subconscious grows happiness, joy, love, peace and prosperity. Our body also flourish with glow and health. This has been the single most profound lesson I have learnt from this book. You will find other lessons I am sure. 

For now, time to refocus. Time to sow good tidings on good soil. And harvest best fruits every day. Fruits of love, happiness, joy, health, harmony, productivity, wealth, prosperity and fullness.

The book can be purchased hard cover from any bookstore or downloaded from Amazon into your kindle. 
