Brain and mind re-wire

Brain and mind re-wire 


Like I said, I have been encountering an urgency. A craving for searching, wondering, asking, and inquiring for something more. More to life. More to understanding. More about humanity. How did I arrive at where I am now? How do I make sense of tribulation, both inner and external? Where are we headed to? Is this 3D universe all there is? But then there is so much scientific knowledge ever evolving by breadth, depth and scope, attempting to explain some of these queries. How do I find my needle in that pile of hay stack? But how do I know what is truth? or what is useful for me? These and more have been my search since the beginning of  2020. 
Some writers, or more specific, spiritual teachers such like Echart Tole teach that human tribulation give us opportunity to arrive at a place of surge for consciousness. I read the theory but not sure about pragmatism, just yet. Somehow I was led randomly to Dr Joe Dispenza and all of his work and have come to love his take on my search. Here I would like to write about what I have learnt so far from him. 

Back to origin 
Dr Joe incurred an accident in his early adult life which left him quadriplegic. He had courage to refuse the orders of his physicians to undergo a spinal surgery to recover some function to his nervous system below his trunk. Just in brief, he returned home and began his quest for a supernatural intelligence. A divine intervention which was available to mankind but not so much tapped into. He dug deep. Into himself. And arrived at his discovery. He left his wheelchair and began his normal life. He went on to study medicine as a foundation to his adventure. He further studied physics, neuroscience and many other sciences in the quantum field. Today he is internationally re-known speaker, a spiritual teacher if you like. I have watched some of his lecturers and insights. I have also just sighted his book, 'Becoming Supernatural'. His take on all things supernatural is overwhelming for me to write in a small blog, let alone my understanding of all its depth and breadth. 
The take home message for me though is the line on arriving at a place to rewire the human brain and the mind as gateway to supernatural reality. Human beings are different to other living things especially animals because of the level of intelligence. Though humans use the intelligence in day to day life, there is more to it. There is a deeper intelligence that is awaiting to be rewired with the physical senses and organs including the brain. When the connection is right, impossibilities are made possible. Creativity is possible. Miracles are possible. And that is becoming supernatural. To arrive at this divine, sacred, pure, whole intelligence was the original purpose for mankind to be here. 

Brain and mind
Biologically the brain continues to function when feed well with necessary nutrients, oxygen and blood flow as we all know, just equivalent to any other organ and tissue in the human body. Even so, the brain also receives information through the senses, experiences and emotions. And the electromagnetic field of the brain gets wired to the information received. We must not forget the evidence on the mind and body connection as researched by scientists, philosophers, psychologists and spiritual teachers. So then, let me give one example. When the brain receives information that is based on fear, anger, loss and conflict, the brain sends a message of fight and flight response to fight, run or hide from these threats. The body therefore experiences stress, blood pressure and other related symptoms and conditions. 
On the other hand, when the brain receives thoughts of happiness, gratitude, wholeness, abundance, love and joy, the body, the mind and the brain are in sync. The synchronization is the entry point to becoming supernatural. 

The re-wiring steps 
Dr Joe sets out very profound, deep and powerful steps into getting the brain, mind and body rewired from the habitual human emotion to move beyond the common. To move beyond the body and the mind into a place of the unknown. Deeper and further into space. Land at the quantum field. And access all the divine intelligence already ready to create all possibilities. The thing I am learning is this process. My human nature is a constant road blog. As I am inclined to focus on the emotions I feel when my mind is constantly thinking things and experience of the past. Of tribulations. Of stress. Of sickness. Of loss. Of conflict. Of unforgiveness. And more. Divine healing, wholeness, creativity, love, joy, happiness, miracles do not come from others or outside. It is right here, right now. To be tapped into and accessed right now. In the present moment. Just learn to get past the current nature. And move into the unknown. Beyond time. Into the supernatural. 
Thank you Dr Joe. 

The book can be accessed from amazon or hard cover from any bookstore. 
