
Showing posts from January, 2024

It has to do with thinking and not DNA

  ' As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he', Proverbs 23:7 I read and re-read, Dr Bruce Lipton's latest book; The Biology of Belief', at least 3 times in a couple of months. The scientific discovery of such groundbreaking evidence of the mind influencing the DNA and the genetics is a whole new dimension of evidence from what we traditionally know about our biology.  traditionally, we are taught from our science labs to our biology lecture halls that our genes and DNA determine everything about us. That they are the building blocks of our ultimate being. However, this fascinating book showcases in a very humorous, fun, highly intellectual and stimulating discovery that syncs with the writing of King Solomon in the Proverb which says, what we think is consumed in our heart to make us our being.  Dr Lipton himself is a biologist turned into a Spiritual teacher I guess from being transformed through this work. I am fascinated by the fact that all along throughout the huma

Migrant Placemaking Australia or MIPLA Cleaning Services

 Introducing MIPLA Cleaning Services  1. Background  Migrant Placemaking Australia or MIPLA was registered with the Australian Business Register or ABR with its ABN: 87312821071 in 2014 for the purposes of providing tailored tutorial and mentoring services to international students in South Australia in the disciplines of public health, health sciences, social sciences, international studies, public policy and gender. The brand-new year, 2024 has presented us with an opportunity to venture our business into the cleaning industry. So today we present our cleaning services.  2. Our branding  MIPLA is a term used in the Melanesian Pidgin which means 'us'. Us represents our approach to our business and professional activities. The current three expert staff we have that specializes in domestic, industrial kitchen, commercial and NDIS and Aged Care Cleaning have one value in common. And that is to connect with our clients from these different platforms to make their business