
Showing posts from March, 2022

Excerpt from my thesis

LITERATURE REVIEW       Purpose, s earch strategy and study selection    Review of relevant literature was done to locate evidence on the key propositions of this study by comparing and contrasting key themes and patterns and locate gap s in the literature . T he Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement was used (Moher et al. 20 10 ). Full text peer reviewed published articles were searched in four electronic databases (Scopus, ProQuest, Google Scholar and Expanded Academic ASAP) . Policy briefs, commentaries, reports and books were a lso hand searched and through generation search es . D ate of publication and study quality were not used for selecti ng retrieved articles because most anthropological work done earlier which were deemed useful for this review included mostly books and in other cases without detailed description of study methodology. At the abstract level, studies were however selected if they had 2 or more of the ke