
Showing posts from December, 2021

A tribute and legacy of a humble visionary late ‘Sir’ Pendepa Hera

Shila Yukuli Paia , Khaka Phopo, Raki Phopo   Adelaide, Australia    18 January 2017     T his is  surface  attempt to tribute a legend, an idol, a visionary yet a unique humble Yuna man who ever lived. In  so doing  we  ask that ‘Sir’ Pendepa Hera’s dear wife  and   widow Eleta Ekepi Hera;  his children namely Jo seph, Alice, Aggie and  others ;  his siblings  George Hera and others; his wider extended family;  and  many friends and colleagues throughout Papua New Guinea and abroad may f orgive us  for this  brief tribut e of your dearly loved and our admired humble father, grandfather, uncle, leader and icon .      We  feel a sense of awe in saluting   late  Pendepa ‘Sir’ Pendepa Hera. Sir Hera was before  my  time.  I only met him briefly as a child and again had the opportunity to know him further when he lived with  our  then family in Port Moresby from 2005-2007.  I can clearly remember meeting him for the first time on a certain day in January of 1982 when I was a 7 year s  old,

Earthquake Mission

Help needed for life-saving drive in PNG Villagers, including Ms Paia's parents, at Dauli where relief work is under way. This area is close to the earthquake's epicenter. 1. Overview  This article was written after conducting an interview with me by the newsdesk of the Flinders University and published on the university website on the 28 March 2018. My purpose in including this piece in my blog is to showcase the support that has been outpouring from the South Australian community during what was an unimaginable natural disaster of our time, the 7.6 magnitude earthquake that shook half of Papua New Guinea.  2. Project description  The violent earthquake that rocked Papua New Guinea in early 2018- causing devastating mud slides that trapped many communities in remote mountain areas - highlights the desperate need in PNG for medical supplies, which is being helped by generous donations and volunteer work in South Australia. Equipment from the former Royal Adelaide Hospital is be

Inspired to remember this Christmas

1. Introduction On Christmas Eve last night around 7pm, I got a pleasant sweet surprise. I was going through donated clothes, shoes, bedding and food in the fridge to go into Adelaide City and find someone who needed anything. Well, it was my sister Sabi’s original idea that she invited me to join her on this giving journey. My dear sweet friends Ronda and Laurie fronted up gently and warmly with a nicely wrapped Christmas gift. It got me teary after they had left. I moved deeper into my thoughts. I would like to write about them. 2. Ronda and Laurie This two beautiful people met and married in PNG when they were on their missionary trip. Ronda is an Adelaide girl. She had heard the calling of her God strong that she signed up for a long mission work in the central highlands of New Guinea when she was only a beautiful young woman many years ago. As open, nurturing and adventurous as she is, she learnt the local language, culture, food and social norms. She loved and accepted the local

My Personal Blog

Dedication  This personal blog is dedicated to my four sons. My womb has been blessed with two absolutely beautiful boys. Khaka, first and Raki third in the photo above. Then nature has multiplied my two into four when I formally (in cultural terms) adopted two more absolutely beautiful boys. Pandawi, second and Timothy last in the photo. Convenience has fitted the puzzle perfect because I sit back and admire my four children as I place them by age in the above photo (photo courtesy myself). I also am inspired by the Psalm of David which I have decreed for my children (above). My purpose is not to convert anyone. Words are source of inspiration for me. As a single parent, words are my partner. Positive words of course. I remember sighting someone somewhere. That children do not belong to us. We only bring them into the world. My strength has been all the things I have learnt from my children. That is to parent most of all. I have found comfort through their innocence and resilience of

Wantok Wayne Tribute

Wayne entertaining his crowd at his 2018 Bomb Fire Party, Blewitt Springs, SA