
Showing posts from October, 2023

About me in a nutshell

I don’t blame you for wondering how dare I write about me first.. Sincerely, please don’t take me wrong.. It is not my intention to drive you out from reading what I write. It is also not my intention to be not modest or boastful. I would like to tell you about my authentic self. There is so much to tell. From childhood to education to arranged marriage, to cultural violence. Then the coincidences of to falling off the tree and a cliff to, near death car accidents to faced with gun point to developing a profession to building SoilChild. Oh dear it goes on for many lifetimes over.. I will try to be brief. Childhood I am the oldest sibling of seven children. I was born in a cafĂ©. I called my oldest son after the stony hill on which my mother buried my afterbirth. I was born small for dates baby and mostly not welcome. I grew up with my maternal grandmother who fed me with rungia juice earlier on. I grew up in Randupi and Kialoro parishes. I loved gardening, hunting, and dressing up

SoilChild Social Business: Nendege Hulia Development Preliminary Plan

  Nendege Hulia prelimi Plan JL MMM.pdf (

A different development model: finding value in working with disadvantaged communities to achieve positive outcomes

  SoilChild - A different development model: finding value in... | Facebook